Marriage Prep 101 workshop has helped us to realize what we want from our marriage–and that we are on the right path to making that happen. We know that we have decided to marry for myriad of reasons, but knowing what we want from each other sometimes gets nebulous. Your exercises in class helped to clarify our expectations and helped us to define goals for what we want our marriage to be. By the time Pete and I sat down and discussed our the “keys” and “goals” when we created out Marriage Bond, we understood that what we wrote was not just a confirmation of values we shared, but a lifetime gameplan for how to make our marriage last.I especially enjoyed the language of love exercise. I have even played the game with other couples (married and unmarried) and they too have found it interesting. Thank you for providing a way for couples to explore and appreciate their similarities and differences, enabling them to find healthy ways to build companionship and love.